These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1. All works well except that when server disconnects for some reas. To work with a network other than using QTcpSocket or QUdpSocket classes can use QNetworkAccessManager. Take a look at the example below to see what an amazing thing coroutines are: QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessManager // co_await the reply - the coroutine is suspended until the. In this slot, you read all available data with readAll() and pass it to the XML stream reader using addData(). QNetworkAccessManager *networkManager = new QNetworkAccessManager (this) /*! * this QUrl object is used as parameter to QNetworkRequest */ QUrl requestUrl (' Your Server Url That Is Accepting Two Parameters ') /*! * this QNetworkRequest object acts as a parameter to the post() method for making request to server. Sets the factory to use for creating QNetworkAccessManager(s). net 网友分享于: 浏览:0次 First-chance exception at 0x776A3E28 in gallery.
These examples are extracted from open source projects. Qnetworkaccessmanager proxy vote - anonymous proxy servers from different countries!! 1 minute ago proxy list - buy on ProxyElite.